Born in Chiba, Japan

Graduated from Nihon Women’s University in Tokyo ( Mathematics)

Solo Exhibitions

1999 Le Parvis, Scene Nationale Tarbes Pyrenees (Ibos-Tarbes, France)

1999 Galerie Domaine Moureou (Madiran, France)

2005 <Asymptote> (Gallery Nikon Salon Shinjuku, Tokyo,Japan)

2006 <Vanitas> (Gallery Past Rays, Tokyo,Japan)

2008 <Convergence de vue> (Gallery Nikon Salon Ginza, Tokyo,Japan)

2008 <Convergence de vue> (Gallery Nikon Salon Osaka, Osaka,Japan)

2010 <SKIN> (Bloom Gallery, Osaka,Japan)

2011<transience>(Gallery Past Rays, Yokohama,Japan)

2013<squall>(Gallery Past Rays, Yokohama,Japan)

2013<eri makita>(Gallery In Camera, Paris, France)

2020<Mañana de verano >(Spectrum Sotos, Zaragoza ,Spain)

2020<matin calme>(Gallery Tosei, Tokyo, Japan)

2020<Mañana de verano >(Casa de la imagen, Logroño,Spain)

2020<Mañana de verano >(La maison de la culture  d'Elgoibar, The Basque Country, Spain)

2023<an einer fremden stillen Stelle> (OAG Haus, Tokyo, Japan)

Group Exhibitions

1997 <L’oeil: Des photographes Japonais> (Cite international des Arts, Paris,France)

1998 <L’oeil :Des photographes Japonais>(Kyocera-Contax Salon Ginza,Tokyo, Japan)

1999 <Uno sguardo sul Giappone> (Galleria Civia Modena, Italy)

2000 <Le corps du visible>(30th Les Rencontres Internationales de la Photographie,Arles,France)

2000 <Eloge de l’ombre>(Kawasaki City Museum,Tokyo,Japan)

2001 <Eloge de l’ombre>(The Yamaguchi Prefectural Museum of Art, Yamaguchi,Japan)

2002 <Independent Exposition ,Higashikawa photo festival>(Hokkaido,Japan)

2006 <A trip of photographer(Gallery Past Rays, Tokyo,Japan)

2006 <Vision of photographer>(Gallery Past Rays,Tokyo,Japan)

2008 <Young Photographers>(Gallery Past Rays, Yokohama,Japan)

2009 <The here in there>(Gallery Salon de Vert, Nagano,Japan)

2009 <All there is to see is what you see>(40thLes Rencontres International de la Photographie,Arle,France)

2010 <Small Museum2010>(Gallery Yuragi,Kyoto,Japan)

2011 <8∞10>(Bloom Gallery,,Osaka,Japan)

2011<Cette lumière peut-elle tout un monde nous rendre?>(L’Abbadiale-Maison des arts, Arras en Lavedan,)

2012<4 photographers>(Bloom Gallery,Osaka,Japan)

2013<Paris Photo 2013>(In Camera Galerie, Paris France)

2014 <Art Paris 2014 >( In Camera Galerie, Paris France)

2017 <Okinawa as seen by the photographer> (Okinawa Prefectural Museum & Art Museum, Okinawa, Japan)

2021 <Le Parvis Scène Nationale, la Collection (1977-2009) > ( Le Parvis Espace Culturel , Pau, France ) 

2023<Jun Shiraoka i vuit fotògrafs en avinentça,>(Galeria Valid Foto, Barcelona, Spain)

2023<Intimités> (In Camera Galerie, Paris, France)

2023<15th Anniversary>( In Camera Galerie, Paris , France)


Bibliotheque National de France

Le Parvis(Ibos-Tarbes,France)

Okinawa Prefectural Museum&Art Museum(Okinawa,Japan


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